TDXAnywhere is TDX on the web. This powerful and easy to use web application provides the basis for managing all your hazardous waste information needs - with just a web browser and no local software installation. With TDXAnywhere you have complete access to the core design of TDX, which employs an interface with a Windows Explorer look and feel interface. This, coupled with our unique integration of regulatory and chemical constituent information with your specific data, facilitates easy access to all of your waste information. Whether you are a generator or service organization, let TDX manage profiles and manifests. The 90 Second Shipping Pak will confirm how easy it is to create and simultaneously print state- specific manifest forms, continuation sheets, supporting LDR's, and labels. The power of TDX Inventory provides hazardous waste constituent management from generation until final disposition. Coupled with Terralink's powerful Select and Second Click, you can look backward or forward in time to analyze all of your inventory transactions. We haven't stopped there. Terralink has developed TAXI, an XML-based language to enable the communication of your important information across the room, across town or across the country. With the click of a mouse updated profiles can be shared with your remote locations or business partners. Manifests can be sent electronically. Reports can be submitted to regulatory agencies. Add hundreds of Reports, like specific facility profiles, state- specific manifests, state reports or the Federal Biennial - or let us tailor one for you. Rest assured that all of your reporting needs are now under control - yours. You have choices. We have answers. Call 207-772-6500 or click here today for a needs analysis or to see a live demo tailored for you. |
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