Q) Why does only one label print correctly?
A) You need to make sure you have a 6x6 form set up for your label printer. Label Printer Setup
Q) Only half the manifest prints correctly; data is garbled.
The printer works OK with Word and other text editors.
A) This problem usually occurs when there is a buffer overrun. Manifest printing uses the printer's graphics commands to accommodate font spacing. In this mode, the printer receives a great deal more data than is required for a simple text document. In most cases this is usually caused by inexpensive network printer adapters that are unable to handle the volume of data. If the printer only supports a Centronics parallel cable, use a multi-parallel port card in an older PC system and configure it to support print sharing to support network printing.
Q) The first manifest prints correctly, but every one after that is wrong.
A) Top of form set incorrectly. You should not have to set the top of form manually. This could also be caused by having the wrong form size selected, but is less likely.
Q) The first manifest prints correctly until it gets to the bottom of the page then the Facility
and date are printed on the top of the next page.
A) Form feed at bottom margin is enabled on your printer. Refer to your Printer's user guide for how to turn this feature off.
Q) Why do my labels go out of alignment when I print more than a dozen?
A) This can be cause by mechanical slippage on the belts used in your printer. Check to make sure the paper feed is not dragging. This is also caused by round off error on some print drivers. Make sure you have the latest driver for your printer.
Q) How do I designate a default printer for Manifests/Labels etc.?
A) User/Group preferences.
Q) Why are characters being cut off on the right side of the manifest?
A) Electronic margins are set incorrectly causing the page to shift out of the printable area allowed by the printer for this form.
Common Report questions |
Q) How do I run a report?
A) Click on the "Select" tab in the main window, choose the type of report data you will use in your report by clicking on the "Select List Of" drop down. Manifest reports will either be under "Manifest" or "Line Item". After selecting the type of data to select, you must input the search criteria for the report you are going to run. You may select from several of the "Attribute" buttons to narrow the search for specific records and then use a general reports such as the "Manifest Detail" or "Line Item Detail" to display the results. For State and Federal reports you should follow the instructions on how to select the records.
Q) Where can I find instructions for a report?
A) Click on the "Report Manager" folder in the navigation tree, then on the "Reports" folder. You will now see a list of all reports that are registered in your database. Look for the desired state report name in the first column and double click on it to open the report detail window. Read the information provided in the "Instructions" panel.
Q) Can I add data to a report?
A) Reports can not be edited by a user due to the complex design of the database. Reports can be customized to your specifications by our staff as specified in the support unit agreement.
Q) Why does the title for my report in the drop down have the wrong date?
A) To update the title you must unregister the old report by selecting it in the "Reports" folder and delete it from the list. Then run the update for the new state report. You may also run the update and edit the report details to change the name in the drop down.
Q) How can I set up a default choice for my manifests or label printing?
A) You must have Admin rights to do this. Open the "Administration" folder. If all users are in a particular gruop then select this "Group" otherwise choose a "User" and open it for edit. Go to the preferences tab and click on the printer in the navigation tree on the left. This will show you all printer related preferences. Set up the default printer for a document or report by clicking in the printer drop down and selecting the destination printer. Save and close this the "Group" or "User" dialog. Thecorrect printer should now be selected as the default in the print dialog drop down.
Q) MA EMOR/MA Quarterly Hazardous Waste Fee Report - How do I enter MA hazardous
waste fee exempt line items into TDX assuring that we are not assessed a fee when running the
monthly / quarterly reports?
A) TerraLink LLC has provided a downloadable guidance document explaining how to handle the entry of MA fee exempt wastes int TDX™.
This document also contains a "letter to transporters" from the Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup explaining various waste exemptions. TSI is providing this document as a convenience only. Please check with your compliance dept. to assure that the regulatory information is current.
click here to download
Q) How can I print labels without first creating a manifest?
A) First create or use a current profile as a template. While in the edit view of the profile select the print icon. You will then be viewing the Second Click™ screen. Select the Labels check box and deselect the Profile check box. Select your label from the Report drop down if it is not selected by default. Enter the number of labels that you'd like to print. Make sure that the proper printer is selected. Preview and/or print your labels.
Common Application problems/questions
Q) TDX Client logon says my license is invalid and I can't log on.
A) This problem can occur when the date/time setting on you client is different than that of the server. Check the time and time zone on the server and set the client to match.